Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has been used for thousands of years but, has only recently started to become popular as a natural hair care product. It can be used for a number of hair and beauty problems and can help to reduce the effects of hair loss and promote hair growth.
The history behind Tea Tree oil is as interesting as its uses! In 1770, Captain James Cook landed at Botany Bay, Australia. During this trek, he and his crew noticed the massive groves of trees thick with sticky, aromatic leaves. The local natives told him about the healing powers of these trees. The leaves of this tea tree had been used for many years, by these people, to treat cuts and wounds.
Australia was originally a penal colony for the worst of England's criminals and, being so far away from England it was very difficult to get medicine, etc over.
The local natives were willing to help these suffering people and showed them the uses for the Tea Tree, it's oils and it's leaves. Since then, Tea tree has been used for its natural antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic and antiviral properties that make it a great all natural treatment for many scalp ailments, like dandruff, oily hair and itchy scalp.
Tea tree oil contains antifungal and antibacterial properties that fight against the fungus that causes dandruff, and does so without drying your scalp. It works as a natural conditioner to your hair and eliminates any products that could be causing your scalp to flake.
Tea tree oil helps to unclog hair follicles and nourish your roots. It also effectively moisturizes the hair so that the scalp is no longer dry or itchy, and it also helps to prevent dead skin cells from building up, as well as residues of other hair care products, leading the way to longer, more lustrous locks. At the same time, the tea tree oil can also control excess oil produced in the scalp that can block hair follicles, preventing hair growth.
Even if you have none of the above hair or scalp conditions, tea tree oil is still beneficial for everyone. It will help to maintain a healthy balance of natural organisms on your skin. It can prevent fungal or bacterial infections from starting. It is also a good way to prevent the loss of hair that can result as we age. Tea tree oil will help to make your hair look shinier and fuller.
All in all, this oil is one to definitely include in your routine and lucky for you Hair La Vie includes tea tree oil in most of our products!
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