The ingredients and formulas needed for the curl look of your dreams

You have an image in your mind of how you want your hair to look, but getting that image to become a reality can be really frustrating. If you feel like you’re struggling to have a look you want for the holidays and beyond, it could be because you’re missing some elements that are essential for fabulous hair.
Think about it, a fantastic hairspray, mousse, shellac, pomade, etc. will make your hair look great a few times, and then suddenly, it all stops working. That’s because it’s not doing your hair any favors; in fact, it could be doing the opposite and damaging your hair.
Unless you’re using some of the following ingredients, which add natural life and health to your hair, you might be working against your hair dreams, and you could end up with a hair nightmare.
The style this season is all about curls, but curls are tricky because they take effort, product, and usually some heat, which means that they can get pretty damaged.
So, whether you’re going for a curly coif or shiny straight hair, the following ingredients will help you get the look you want.
Honey is great for your hair, but you don’t want to put pure honey on your hair because the stickiness alone would be daunting, and just imagine how many flies you’ll draw. So, how do you get the benefits of honey without the downfalls?
You do it by finding an almost-impossible to pronounce word–hydroxypropyltrimonium honey. If you really feel the need to pronounce it, you can just call it honeyquat. This is honey that’s given a positive charge, which takes away the stickiness and turns it into a conditioning agent that your hair will love.
There are moisture-binding ingredients in honeyquat that come from its low molecular weight and ability to penetrate the hair.
There’s a reason Hair La Vie’s Hair Masque includes coconut oil. It’s because it’s so good for your hair. Granted, coconut oil has a fantastic smell, but if you thought that was the reason so many haircare companies include this product, you’re missing out on a lot of other benefits found in coconut oil.
Coconut oil is one of the best ingredients for moisturizing your hair because it’s good at penetrating the hair shaft. This can’t be said about all oils. This means it gets inside and brings moisture to the area your hair needs it most.
Another wonderful thing about coconut oil is that it is a natural antibiotic and can ward off scalp issues like dandruff while also making your hair stronger and more resilient.
One really cool thing about olive oil is you don’t need to buy the expensive olive oil to make the most of it. All you have to do is apply straight olive oil to your hair to get the benefits.
It sounds strange, but a couple of drops of olive oil worked into your hair is a wonderfully natural way to soften your tresses and add luster and shine.
With all the talk of oil, what about those people who suffer from too much oil in their hair? Then tapioca is your friend.
Tapioca powder is a starch that absorbs oil like a champ. It’s a very common dry shampoo ingredient, and it’s great for your hair. Look for it instead of talc in your dry shampoo to get a healthy wash that feels fantastic.
Seaweed has been used in hair and skincare products for a long time, and there’s some science behind that. A study looking at a specific seaweed found that it not only worked against one of the leading causes of dandruff, but it also may be the key to preventing hair loss. That’s some pretty big news for people suffering from hair loss.
If you want great looking hair, then you have to nourish and bathe it with healthy ingredients.
While quick-fix solutions might give you great hair for the night, your dream of long-lasting, great hair is going to take the commitment of fueling it with the right stuff. In the long run, you’ll discover that healthy hair gives you exactly a look you want.
It’s interesting that the foods you eat, from olive oil to tapioca, often make great haircare products. If you’re looking to add moisture and repair to your hair, try olive oil or coconut oil. If your hair is too oily, tapioca might be your solution. Seaweed and honey are great ingredients for everybody’s hair.
At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.
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At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.
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