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7 Untold Facts About Biotin & Hair Growth

7 Untold Facts About Biotin & Hair Growth

If you’ve ever spent time researching ways to promote healthy hair, you’ve probably learned a thing or two about biotin. One quick Google search brings up thousands of articles about this famous B vitamin. Most of them boast about its ability to  maintain gorgeous hair and glowing skin, but what else does biotin do for your hair, and how was it used historically?

We scoured all the research we could find about biotin and we learned some interesting, "untold" facts about this helpful vitamin that you'll want to know...

  1. Eight Types of Biotin

    There are eight types (stereoisomers) of biotin. Each are beneficial, however, you can only find one of them in nature: d-biotin.1 This stereoisomer boasts active enzymes
    that help maintain your metabolism as well as promote healthy glucose levels.

    *Extra Fact: Stereoisomers are molecules that share the same formula and atom sequence, but the construction of their atoms in real space is different. They’re
    like houses that contain identical-looking rooms, but with varying layouts.

  2. Recent Research

    Scientists didn’t even begin studying the effects of biotin until the early 1900s, when they observed that some strains of yeast required a material called “bios” to grow.2

  3. Exact Origins

    Biotin was first synthesized e in 1943 by Leo Sternbach and Moses Wolf Goldberg.2

  4. The "H" Vitamin Is A B-Vitamin

    Biotin is frequently nicknamed the “H” vitamin, which stems from the German words Haar and Haut, meaning “hair” and “skin,” respectively.3 In actuality, it is a b-vitamin.

  5. Bodily Production of Biotin

    While multiple internet sources claim your body can’t make any biotin on its own, according to the University of Maryland, bacteria in your small intestine can make a negligible amount. Regardless, it’s still recommended that individuals consume biotin-rich foods or supplements to maintain a healthy lifestyle and vibrant, healthy hair.4,5

  6. Olden-Day Uses & Effects

    It was first used to boost the strength of horses’ hooves.6 When researchers saw the difference between the quality of the hooves both before and after, they began
    studying its many effects on other mammals, including humans.

  7. The Benefits of Biotin

    Biotin helps promote more than just hair, skin and nails. It also:

         — Serves as an important and nourishing nutrient during pregnancy
         — As mentioned above, it helps maintain ideal blood glucose levels
         — It benefits general neural health, helping to promote sharp focus

While Biotin is comparatively a newer vitamin, it’s quickly becoming clear just how beneficial it can be. Those of us who have been solely focusing on its beauty benefits may need to start thinking of biotin as a whole-body vitamin if we intend to maximize its many uses.

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    At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.

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