Collagen 101: How the Top Collagen Hair Growth Supplements Benefit You

You may have noticed that your moisturizers and face creams all contain collagen, so you are aware of the benefits it has for your skin.
But did you know that collagen can help promote healthy hair growth too? As the most abundant protein in the body, collagen helps to keep your skin elastic and smooth, and it can provide the same benefits for your hair, too!
Just because you don’t like to think about aging doesn’t mean it won’t happen. And the older you get, the more depleted those once-abundant collagen stores become.
As your collagen levels get low, you may experience more frequent hair breakage and even hair loss. Supplementing collagen is the best way to ensure your hair stays strong and beautiful, never giving away your true age.
The antioxidant properties of collagen allow it to fight the damaging free radicals that are produced as part of your body’s metabolic reactions. These destructive compounds can travel all through your body and cause nothing but havoc once they reach your hair.
You end up with brittle, dry hair and damaged follicles, which all leads to eventual hair loss.
When you maintain regular intake of it in your body, your hair shafts can store collagen, allowing follicles to grow stronger. You can also put away those volumizing tools and products—collagen supplements will naturally increase the diameter of each hair strand, giving you naturally thicker hair.
There are a number of ways that collagen can help boost the health of your hair, prevent hair loss, and promote growth.
Collagen is the key amino acid responsible for producing the keratin protein. Keratin is the main protein that makes up each hair follicle, so the more you have the stronger and more elastic your hair is.
Elasticity prevents your hair from breakage no matter how much styling you do. Collagen also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which add shine and hydration to hair.
In the event you have already started losing hair, collagen will be your new best friend. As a more natural alternative to hair treatments, collagen acts as an antioxidant, removing free radicals that damage hair follicles.
Without free radicals hanging around, your hair stays strong, resistant to damage, and ready to grow to the length of your choosing.
Reduced levels of collagen cause damage to the stem cells that are responsible for hair growth. Aging depletes collagen, which damages DNA, and eventually the stem cells weaken and fail to maintain a healthy hair cycle. Hair becomes brittle and breaks starts to thin out and the next thing you know you are losing hair. Collagen replenishes any destroyed collagen in your hair, but it kick starts the hair cycle back into a healthy rotation. DNA damage is reversed and new healthy hair follicles are produced, giving you a full head of strong hair.
Hair can become weakened as a part of the natural hormonal changes that a woman’s body goes through. That is why you may notice more frequent hair breakage during your menstrual cycle and after menopause.
The amino acids provided by regular collagen intake help to maintain a healthy hormonal balance, which will ensure your hair grows strong and stays resistant to breakage.
Your hair gets moisture through the absorption of vitamins and minerals, so it is dependent on a healthy digestive system. Collagen protects the lining of your gut, enabling maximum nutrient absorption so your hair gets the strength and moisture it needs.
Additionally, collagen supports blood vessel health within your skin, so the more you have, the better delivery of nutrients you get directly to your hair. More nutrients on site mean more follicle moisture.
Your hair makes a statement about you, and you want it to stand the test of time. It may change color over the years, but it can still be just as strong as it ever was.
Promote the growth of strong, healthy hair with regular collagen supplements. This beneficial protein will give you red-carpet hair every day and that cover girl feeling no matter what age you are.
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At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.
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