7 Powerful ways to embrace your authentic self for Coming Out Day

You are uniquely you. It’s a tired cliché, but there’s a lot of truth in that statement. There’s nobody else like you, with your gifts, your view of the world, your approach to everything. So, why would you ever try to hide that from other people?
National Coming Out Day is October 11th, and while it is targeted at the LGBTQ community, shouldn’t it be about more?
Shouldn’t it be about embracing who you are, not what you are, or how you identify. In the perfect world, we’re all a little fluid and ever-changing.
The support given and felt during Coming Out Day should extend to everyone, and all the time. It’s important to celebrate the true you, to live your most authentic life, and to feel free to go with the flow that is your own current.
The Human Rights Campaign says there are three stages to coming out: opening up to yourself, coming out to your closest friends and family, and living openly. The final stage is the one that allows you to live your most authentic life and is the most liberating. But how do you get to that point?
Even people who came out ages ago and those who find acceptance in most places can be hiding something. A level of deep soul searching is needed to pinpoint all the ways you’re not expressing yourself and trying to fit in. This can honestly be said of everyone.
Fitting in is a human instinct, but breaking that mold is liberating.
Rather than focusing on fitting in and being liked by others, use that energy to develop the deepest sense of self-love possible. It’s an odd thing, but the more you love yourself, the more lovable you are to others.
Show other people your value by accepting yourself and cultivating your individuality.
You are not alone, you don’t have to do it on your own, and you don’t even have to come up with your own way to express yourself. Take inspiration from some trailblazers in the LGBTQ community. Who do you respect for their ability to be themselves? How can you use their example to embrace yourself?
A big part of being authentic is opening yourself up to accepting others. Not everyone is going to think like you and believe the same things you do. That doesn’t necessarily make them a bad person, it just makes them different.
When you accept a person, even if you don’t agree with them, you’re moving in the right direction.
Never hide behind a “normal” disguise. Nobody is normal, so embrace that and let your personality dictate your appearance. From top to bottom, you owe it to yourself to be who you want to be and look how you want to look.
There are a large number of companies who support pride and the LGBTQ community. Promoting acceptance is a Herculean task, and without the support of large companies, it would take even longer. Return the favor, and give these companies the support they give you.
There is strength in numbers and being a part of something. Join LGBTQ groups, parades, events, etc. This is a wonderful twofold way to be involved. By taking part in events, you extend your support to others while learning from them and feeling that wonderful sense of belonging.
It’s also a great opportunity to experiment with how you want to portray yourself without judgment.
Coming out is not a one and done occasion. The good news is, the more you embrace your authentic self, the easier it will be.
Living the life you were meant to live and filling it with joy takes work, for everyone. In a world where fitting in is easy, standing out is a challenge.
Opening yourself to the world and seeing other people for who they truly are, can lead you closer toward the authentic life you were meant to live.
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At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.
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