Hair growth vitamins: Is zinc the secret to healthy hair and regrowth?

We tend to think of vitamins as promoting a kind of general sort of healthiness, but do you know what vitamins and minerals are specifically needed for healthy hair?
You can promote hair growth just by adjusting your diet, specifically your intake of zinc. Zinc is most often linked to the health of your immune system, but it is just as beneficial for your hair.
Zinc is an essential trace mineral. This means we do not need much, but the little bit that we do need is vital.
Zinc is a part of every cell in your body, making it a part of every biochemical process. Without it you cannot manufacture or regulate hormones necessary for the absorption of other essential nutrients. What you end up with is hair loss.
No zinc, no hair. It’s almost that simple. Whether you want to get your hair its most beautiful with a revitalizing supplement or through dietary changes, zinc needs to be on your mind.
Zinc is required for DNA and RNA production. This production is fundamental to the hair follicle cell division that promotes healthier hair growth.
When you are zinc deficient, the protein structures making up the hair follicles begin to deteriorate—your hair becomes weak and falls out.
To understand how zinc is involved in helping with hair loss and promoting growth, you should first understand the hair growth cycle.
Anagen Phase: This is the growth phase where your hair on average will grow half an inch per month.
Catagen Phase: A transitional phase where the hair is cut off from blood supply and your cells will make new hair.
Telogen Phase: A resting phase when your hair is released from the follicle and will fall out.
Zinc deficiency, which causes other nutritional deficiency from poor absorption, affects the anagen phase. This phase becomes much shorter and leads to too many hairs entering the telogen phase at the same time, causing patches of baldness to appear.
Zinc allows hair follicles to stay in the anagen phase for longer and promotes new growth at the same time. The result is healthier hair.
While a zinc deficiency can cause your hair to fall out, excess zinc can cause some damage too. You need to keep the balance just right to maintain healthy hair growth.
Too much zinc promotes the production of testosterone, and too much of this hormone in women causes hair to thin out. The key is balance.
Zinc deficiency can be marked by hair loss as well as diarrhea, muscle wasting, skin lesions, psoriasis, and pneumonia. On the other side of the coin, zinc toxicity (too much zinc) can produce symptoms such as lethargy, headaches, vomiting, gastric irritation, nausea, and anemia.
You should speak to your doctor about the amount of zinc you need each day, so you can keep that balance right.
How do you keep the zinc balance right and keep your hair healthy? You can always try supplements, but you should take care not to take too much. Be sure to try a supplement specifically formulated to revitalize your hair.
There are several food sources rich in zinc that you can add to your diet to make sure you keep levels up and hair follicles strengthened. Here are just a few:
Nuts: Full of omega-3 fatty acids, which promote healthy and shiny hair, nuts also deliver a healthy dose of zinc. This winning combination not only keeps your hair strong and healthy, but you can retain your hair color for longer. A handful of nuts a day will keep those gray hairs at bay.
Oysters: More than just an aphrodisiac, a few ounces of oysters gives you 493% of your daily zinc allowance! On top of that, these magical shellfish provide protein to maintain healthy hair follicle growth and support the oil glands responsible for providing moisture to your hair.
Chickpeas: The zinc and vitamin A found in this legume work together to prevent dandruff and hair loss. By grabbing some hummus today, you won’t need to worry about any flakes appearing on your favorite little black dress.
Spinach: These leafy greens may have given Popeye his muscles, but they will give you lovely locks. The protein and zinc content in spinach helps to promote hair follicle growth and strength.
Zinc is essential in trace amounts. This means that too little and too much are going to cause you problems. Specifically, hair problems.
Genetics and environmental factors will play a role in damaging your hair, but zinc can be your secret weapon. Don’t let the grays sneak up on you and don’t leave your hair follicles defenseless. Balance your zinc to better your hair!
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