Hair Loss Awareness Month: Alopecia and the natural treatments you want

August is Hair Loss Awareness Month, which makes it a good time to ensure you are armed with all the information you need regarding hair loss prevention and solutions. Hair loss affects everyone to some degree and can be devastating.
If you are concerned about hair loss or have noticed changes already, then read on to find out what you can do to prevent and successfully treat loss.
Alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss among men and women. This condition is genetic, i.e., unavoidable, and can appear at any age.
There are different varieties of this autoimmune disorder, but the outcome is that your immune system mistakenly targets and attacks hair follicles, causing your hair to fall out. Some people lose hair all over while others lose clumps.
Either way, the result is the same and you feel frustrated and embarrassed.
Hair loss can also be caused as a symptom of other medical conditions. Fortunately, these can be reversed once the underlying condition is treated.
Anemia and hypothyroidism are examples of medical conditions that cause your hair to fall out. The lack of iron in anemia can be corrected with iron supplements, and you will eventually see an improvement in the condition of your hair. Corrective action for your thyroid will allow proper hormone production, which will also result in healthier hair.
Most cases of baldness in men and women are genetically based. If you are aware of this in your family, you can take appropriate actions to protect your hair and slow the progression of loss.
Stress, both physical and emotional, also damages the strength of your hair and can lead to thinning and loss.
Diet and hormonal changes can also impact the health of your hair. If you notice hair loss, consider what has changed recently in your life and you may be able to identify the cause.
Hair loss impacts over 50 million men and 30 million women. With society promoting the importance of appearance, hair loss is always a hot topic.
Hair treatment options are available everywhere now, and this continues to be a booming business in this social media-driven world. When it comes to the treatments offered, some promote re-growth and others simply slow the progression of loss.
Topical solutions are available that can encourage hair growth and prolong the growth phase of your hair. In addition to this, you can try lifestyle changes and natural treatments to boost hair health and protect from thinning and loss.
Starting supplemental support, like Revitalizing Blend Hair Vitamins, in terms of iron, zinc, vitamin B12, and protein will promote strong hair growth. You can also massage your scalp with each shampoo to increase blood flow to the follicles and stimulate growth.
In extreme cases, hormone therapy can be done to control hair loss and thinning. Suppression of hormones helps to prevent balding and cortisone shots in the scalp block the hormones that cause thinning.
Whether you prefer topical solutions to apply to your hair or more natural-based therapies, hair loss can be treated successfully. Since hair loss has a physical and emotional effect on people, treatment options improve appearance and quality of life.
Apart from genetically-based conditions, hair loss can be prevented with a proper hair care routine. Even if genetics predispose you to hair loss, following preventative measures may substantially delay the inevitable, giving you a fuller head of hair for longer.
Awareness: Being aware of changes to your hair is the ultimate step to preventing irreversible loss. If you notice thinning, then seek help right away to determine the cause. Your chances of successful treatment and reversing any damage are better when the cause is identified early.
Risk factors: If thinning hair or hair loss runs in your family, you can be proactive in your hair care regimen. You can also seek treatment options that can slow the progression of the condition. Watch for other risk factors, such as smoking or too much heat styling, as these contribute to hair follicle damage and eventual loss.
Healthy diet: A balanced diet promotes your overall health, but it also keeps your hair strong and less vulnerable to damage and loss. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish and supplements like krill oil can protect your hair from drying out.
Folate and vitamins A, C, and E help nourish your scalp and promote new hair growth. In fact, many supplements for hair growth contain just these sort of ingredients. Iron is also essential for protecting against hair loss and protein is the key component of the hair follicle, so both are essential nutrients to a healthy hair diet.
Losing your hair causes real emotional turmoil, especially because our hair is a part of who we are and how we see ourselves. Understanding the causes of hair loss helps us to accept the condition and seek out the treatment we need.
There are many ways to tackle the problem of hair loss. Some of these include nutritional and preventative support like Revitalizing Blend Hair Vitamins, cover-up products, surgical treatments.
This month may be dedicated to hair loss awareness, but it is a condition that will last long into the future. The more you know, the better able you are to protect your hair, prevent thinning, and treat any loss successfully. Determine the cause, discover your options, and get your hair back and keep your confidence high.
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At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.
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