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Myths Debunked: 7 Hair Care Mysteries Exposed

Myths Debunked: 7 Hair Care Mysteries Exposed

We’ve all heard the rules and old wives' tales about our hair, but how much of it is actually true? We listed seven popular beliefs that have been around for generations, but are actually complete myths.

7 Most Common Myths About Hair Care 

Myth #1: Brush your hair 100 times a day to keep it healthy.

This has been one of the most well-known pieces of advice for generations, but recently it’s been proven false.1 Brushing too much can actually result in a greater chance of breakage or split ends.

Myth #2: Cutting your hair frequently makes it grow faster. 

False. While regular trims might help keep your ends healthy, it won’t really affect the rate of growth.2
In fact, trimming too often could make your growth appear stagnant. Try to cut only when necessary.

Myth #3: Plucking one gray hair will cause two more to grow in its place.

Removing that stray gray doesn’t affect the follicles on the rest of your scalp at all.2 However, it’s not advisable to pluck your gray regardless, as it can compromise the health of the follicle overall.

Myth #4: Dandruff always means you have a dry scalp.

It’s easy to assume that a flaky scalp is the result of dry skin, but it’s actually the opposite.2 Dandruff is caused by a type of excess yeast that feeds off moist environments, which means that your scalp is actually too oily. Get oils in balance with a premium shampoo/conditioner set, and live flake-free.

Myth #5: It’s healthy to lighten your hair in the sun.

It’s true that sunlight will lighten your color, but in this case, the natural method isn’t the best. The
strong UV rays from the sun can affect your scalp just like the rest of your skin, and a healthy
scalp is essential for maintaining healthy hair.3

Myth #6: Myth: Rinsing with ice-cold water will give you shinier hair.

You don’t have to force your head under freezing water any more – cold showers don’t give you the appearance of shiny hair.4 If that’s what you’re going for, however, we recommend a Moroccan oil.
It’ll give you the instant appearance of silky, shiny tresses, without any of the icy shock.

Myth #7: Beer rinses will help keep your hair fortified.

Many people believe that the protein and yeast found in beer can help amp up your hair’s strength. Unfortunately for ale lovers, this isn’t true.5

While these myths have been thoroughly debunked, there is one long-held belief that we agree with: supplying nutrition from within will help maintain gorgeous tresses. We suggest a premium hair vitamin blend with natural ingredients and a potent infusion of biotin to help support your natural hair in ways the myths above just can’t.

At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.

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    At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.

    Join our private Facebook Community for a safe, human-moderated space to share your Hair Journey, discover new natural beauty, and take steps towards becoming “you” with the help of an understanding, supportive community.

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