Hair myths to stop believing

Let’s test your hair knowledge. When you shave (your head, your legs, your face, etc.), the hair grows back darker and thicker. True or false?
What about ponytails? Everyone’s go-to for getting through those awkward hair stages and bad haircuts… but could they be inadvertently causing major damage to your hair?
If you’ve started to notice a little more salt in your pepper, you may have been quick to blame the kids or your job. But is that really true or just another urban hair legend?
Let’s look at some of the most popular hair myths and discover the truth behind the lore.
First, hair growth begins at the scalp, so cutting the ends won’t magically give you longer hair. The reason this myth sticks around is split ends make hair look thin and can often lead to more severe damage and even breakage. By keeping the ends trimmed you’ll help your hair appear fuller and healthier.
Funny how everyone thinks shaving your legs makes the stubble more noticeable or shaving your face will result in a full beard, but no one seems to believe shaving a bald head will cause a full head of hair to appear. That’s because this myth is sadly just that… a myth.
The bad news is, if you’ve reached the point where gray hairs are now appearing, you’re probably going gray. It happens to all of us eventually. The good news is, plucking them won’t cause more to appear.
There’s actually a little bit of truth in this one. We’re not quite ready to blame the children, so let’s just say stress is the culprit.
The myth lies in the idea that your hair turns gray. In reality, hair doesn’t turn gray, it simply loses pigment over time and the result is white or gray hair.
Stress will not cause it to change colors, but stress can cause a condition called telogen effluvium, which is basically temporary hair loss. Depending on your age and health when it grows back it, it could grow back in gray, but it’s not because of stress.
If you do have hair that seems to suddenly be turning gray, it’s time to get to the doctor. There are several illnesses that lead to premature graying.
Are they good or bad? The answer is… it depends. Tight ponytails held back with elastic bands and worn the same way daily are definitely bad for your hair. They put excess stress on the roots, weaken the spot where the elastic band grips the hair and can break off hair or even rip it right out.
That said, you can wear a ponytail now and again and not have issues. You can change your ponytail position and diminish the concerns—or you can opt for a looser ponytail with softer hair ties to create the look you want without the damage.
Dandruff is actually caused by a type of yeast that thrives in an oily environment. However, a dry scalp can also produce flaky, itchy skin that can be mistaken for dandruff. It’s easy to see why there’s confusion, but it’s important to find the source of your flakes before automatically assuming it’s dandruff.
The truth is, different shampoos will yield different results. So while you may have wanted tons of volume last year and found a shampoo that was great for that, it might not be right for your current hair goals.
It’s important to find a shampoo that’s right for you, but it’s a myth that it’ll lose potency over time and you’ll need to switch to a new one just because. It’s this reason that many women swear by their shampoos and won’t use anything else.
So, were we able to shake a few of your beliefs? Or did we validate things you’ve been saying all along?
Either way, we hope you were still able to take away a few new tips and tricks to help you meet your hair goals. There will always be a new fad or trend out there, but at the end of the day, it’s important to find what works best for you and your hair—and that’s no myth.
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At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.
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