How to Get Rid of Dandruff Forever

Anyone who suffers from dandruff will be able to tell you how horrible it is to look like you just got a pat on the back by Frosty the Snowman. Compared to acne, dandruff is basically giving everyone permission to stare at you. So, let's help address the elephant in the room, dandruff STINKS! Now can someone get me a snow plow?
If you are one of those lucky people who have never had dandruff, someone who is unfamiliar with what exactly dandruff is, or someone who is in dire need of learning how to prevent it, then this article is perfect for you.
Dandruff can be associated with dry scalp, which is small white flakes of dead skin that usually form at the root of the scalp and fall onto your clothing easily. Yet, it can be argued that dandruff differs from dry scalp in that it is fungus buildup rather than just dead skin. Dandruff tends to be a little more discolored (yellow-white) and forms in large clumps and sticks closely to the scalp. Dandruff can become discomforting due to excessive itching and odor but it is typically harmless.
Before filing a complaint to beauty companies for making crappy shampoos and conditioners, let's talk about the actual causes of dandruff. In most cases, dandruff is not caused by a certain shampoo or conditioner and also is not from you being dirty. So there is no reason to be ashamed about your personal hygiene; unless water is not in your beauty regime. Then you may actually have a problem... you nasty.
When it comes to these unwanted flakes, the causes can range from internal and external uses. Internal causes include high consumption of sugars, fats, starches, an imbalance of hormones, stress, lack of sleep, allergic hypersensitive, seborrheic dermatitis, malassezia, sebum and/or genetics. (Phew, that's a lot.)
Some external causes are cold weather, overusing products, hair coloring, excessive use of heat tools like curling irons, flat irons, blow drying check out our damaged hair article) or lack of rinsing hair/scalp.
Although there are not ways to completely eliminate dandruff, there ARE many things you can try to control your dandruff.
Cleanse your scalp with pure apple cider vinegar to get rid of excessive oil buildup
Use a medicated or dandruff targeted shampoo
Wash hair at least once a week, no more than three times
Use an all-natural oil with no artificial ingredients (Argan Oil)
Do not overuse oils on the scalp (once a week)
Avoid foods high in fats
Eat fruits and veggies containing Zinc and Vitamin B
Use of organic tea tree oil
Limit use of gel, mouse, or other leave in hair products
We understand dealing with dandruff can be embarrassing, especially when you are reaching for that pen to scratch the inside of a ponytail or patting down on your head so you won't leave scars on your scalp. The stench alone could have you outcasted feeling like Pig-Pen from Snoopy. If your dandruff comes with excessive itchy and smells then we suggest using more than just one of the options above.
If your dandruff is more severe causing irritations and redness and is not only on your scalp but on other physical parts of your body than we highly recommend talking to your family doctor or healthcare provider.
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