How to Tame Frizz

Today is going to be 90 degrees, humid with a slight chance of FRIZZ, FRIZZ and more FRIZZ! This is exactly what some of us hear in the morning when that weather report declares it's going to be a hot day. Thankfully, there are some tips we can follow that will help us understand how to tame frizz because seriously, what's worse than the weather unexpectedly ruining your hairstyle?
No Towel
STOP! Don't you dare let that towel touch your hair!
I know it's extremely tempting when you hop out the shower and Niagara Falls is coming down on your face and body. Still, you don't want that towel to suck out more water from your hair than necessary.
Invest in a microfiber towel to dry your hair. For those of us who are still ballin' on a college budget, than that old, University t-shirt you wear to the gym will be just fine. The cotton is more gentle, it won't snatch your hair off and will allow your cuticles to absorb enough water. Moisturized hair means shiny, soft, frizz-free hair!
Hot Oil Treatment
No, I'm not referring to an exotic massage. For those of you who have never heard of hot oil treatments, then you should definitely look into this. A hot oil treatment has many benefits other than just preventing frizz. Along with controlling frizz it softens the hair, moisturizes the scalp, decreases breakage, adds shine and fights off dandruff and flaking.
Hot oil treatments can be found in pretty much any local beauty supply store, department store, salon or drugstore. If you are questioning those treatments and looking for something completely natural and safe, you could make your very own DIY treatment with the oils stored away in your home. It's quick, easy and saves money.
A great, natural, DIY hot oil treatment:
100% pure Argan Oil- hydrates, strengthens and repairs damaged hair
Coconut Oil -moisture and strength
Avocado Oil -shines and strengthens
Start by mixing at least 2-3 tsps of each oil together. We suggest warming up the oils in a boiler pot rather than in the microwave for better control of heating. You don't want to put the mix on your head while it is too hot, for that can cause burning and scars. Boil until you feel the concoction is at a bearable temperature.
After the oil is mixed and boiled, place your treatment inside of an applicator bottle. Pour the oil onto your hair and massage evenly from roots to ends. Place a plastic cap on your head, followed by a towel and let it sit.
To help prevent split ends and frizz, add a bit of Moroccan Oil to the ends of your hair after washing. The treatment is not to be used every day, so limit your time for once every few weeks. Also, make sure to include a deep conditioner or mask into your wash routine once a week. This killer combination is the best way to control frizz.
Twist Hair-Wrap Hair
No matter your hair type—straight, wavy, curly, natural, etc; this method is bound to work. Sleeping with loose hair could take your frizz from "0-100 real quick". Twisting or braiding your hair loosely and wrapping it at night could help your frizz problem tremendously.
Before you go to sleep at night, add a few dabs of Moroccan Repair Serum and twist or braid the hair loosely. You don't to twist/braid too tight and all the way to the end, for it can increase breakage and split ends. Pin your hair up to the top of your head and wrap it in a satin or silk scarf (even if you have a silk/satin pillow).
When you take down your hair in the morning, you should start to see a major difference. You will have a slight wave pattern but since your twists/braids were loose it should blend with your regular hair texture perfectly. Style your hair as usual and try not to keep your fingers out of it throughout the day.
With these three tips alone, humidity has no power against your hair. For more requested products that will help you achieve healthy, longer locks, check out
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