Are probiotics the answer for acne?

Does your gut hold the key to getting rid of acne forever? As scientists spend more time getting to know probiotics, more evidence points to a positive answer.
What does that mean for you? If you’re fighting acne or even hoping to eliminate dark spots, acne blemishes, and other scars, then you might find your solution in probiotics. But how?
On your skin, you have a community of bacteria that work to keep you healthy, just like your gut’s microbiome. In fact, you have these little microbiomes throughout your body, and they’re key to your health, wellness, and sometimes how you look.
To keep your body healthy, you need the right balance of probiotics, or the “good” bacteria so they can ward off the bad bacteria. For years, probiotics have been getting attention for their superpowers in your digestive tract, and now science is learning that these good bacteria can help all of the microbiomes in and on your body.
There is a vast number of bacteria on your skin, and it’s known that some inflammation-related skin disorders like rosacea, eczema, and acne can flare-up when your gut’s microbiome is not properly balanced. When this happens, the harmful bacteria damage the lining of your intestines, and they get irritated.
At the same time, you don’t have enough good bacteria to consume everything you eat, leaving these substances to make their way into your immune system. Suddenly your body has a chain-reaction that triggers your immune system, and inflammation quickly follows.
Acne happens in your hair follicles. They become plugged with oil and dead skin cells and get irritated. The interesting thing is no one knows exactly why the hair follicles get clogged in the first place and why some people get acne while others don’t, and some get a little bit here and there.
Propionibacterium acnes, a type of bacteria, is often associated with acne and considered harmful bacteria. The interesting and promising thing is that there may be a good strain of bacteria that is associated with people who don’t have acne. An article details a study by UCLA explaining how exciting this discovery might be for people who want to fight acne bacteria with healthy bacteria.
Now that there appears to be a direct connection between acne and bacteria, both good and bad, it’s time to take a broad look at skin health and probiotics.
Probiotic bacteriotherapy is the use of probiotics to prevent and treat skin diseases that include acne, eczema, atopic dermatitis, allergic inflammations, hypersensitivity, UV skin damage, and wound protection. Wow, now that’s impressive and promising for the future health and appearance of your skin.
It’s important to note that studies are ongoing, and you can expect more targeted probiotic treatments in the future and more promising data. But until then, you can begin your own journey toward skin health with probiotics.
Hair La Vie's Foundation Beauty Elixir is a great way to start improving the health of your skin, hair, and nails through healthy ingredients. It’s an inside out approach to adding the right nutrition to your body.
A unique combination of collagen, keratin, and prebiotics work naturally with plant-based superfoods in the Elixir to establish a strong foundation of beauty and wellness. The focus is on adding superfoods that are proven effective in supporting well-balanced biomes.
When you focus on creating beneficial microbiomes throughout your body, you reap numerous rewards that include less acne but certainly don’t end there.
There’s a reason you’ve heard so much about probiotics in the last few years. These healthy bacteria have an important role in your body, balancing bad bacteria and protecting the rest of your body from damage. While gut health was the initial focus, science has now turned its attention to the other microbiomes in and on your body, including your skin.
While there has long been an association with acne and bacteria, there’s still no definitive answer for why some people get acne, and others don’t, but we’re getting closer. Early studies point to good and bad bacteria strains as key players in acne and other skin conditions.
These findings suggest that, in the future, probiotics will become a part of everyone’s healthy skincare regimen. You can be on the cutting edge of that future trend by incorporating healthy superfoods and supplements now. Focus on adding key nutrition to your diet and fill in gaps with Foundation Beauty Elixir for fantastic, acne-free skin.
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