New Hair Washing Trend: Using Conditioner Before Shampoo?

There have been different trends in hair washing over the years. First there was washing with just conditioner then there was replacing the shampoo with a cleansing conditioner. Now there is reverse hair washing, where the hair is conditioned before it is then shampooed.
Is there anything to this trend, or is it just a fly-by-night fad? Let's take a look at the facts.
There are several reasons why a person may want to try conditioning their hair and then shampooing it afterward. Washing hair is an individual experience, despite perceptions.
If a person has thin hair it can get oily and is prone to a buildup of this oil. When a person conditions their hair and then washes it there will be less of an oily residue left on the hair.
This method can be used by people unsuccessful in washing their hair the traditional way.
Many people are afraid to reverse wash their hair. They think that the shampoo will leave their locks brittle, dry and tangled. There are some tips to correctly reverse wash the hair starting with the shampoo and ending with the conditioner. Here are some of them:
1. Make sure the hair is thoroughly soaked with water before adding the conditioner.
If the hair is not completely saturated then it will be difficult to get the conditioner on every part of the hair as you continue washing. Start with the roots and move it down to the tips.
2. Once the conditioner is in the hair, allow it to sit for a normal amount of time.
Many apply the conditioner and then go about washing their body while it absorbs. This should be continued. The conditioner is allowed to sit on the hair and do its job well.
3. There is a big mistake that many people make. They will wash out the conditioner and then use the shampoo. If they do this the hair will certainly become dry and brittle.
The shampoo should be applied to the hair in order to remove the conditioner. After the conditioner has been allowed to sit in the hair for several minutes run the hair under the water just to re-wet it. Then apply the shampoo.
Use a little less shampoo than under normal conditions. Once the shampoo has been lathered in the hair, wash it out as usual along with the conditioner.
Major retailers in the hair care industry have taken notice of this new trend. Tresemme has made a prewash conditioner. This conditioner is applied to the hair and allowed to sit for a couple of minutes before being washed out with the shampoo.
In most cases a regular conditioner works fine, but these specialty products are out there.
People that have tried reverse hair washing have stated that their hair feels the same as if they ended with regular shampoo.
Many people have reported that their hair looks better and feels better. For many, their hair becomes softer to the touch. In order to see the difference the hair should be allowed to dry.
Even before adding styling products there will be a big difference in how the hair looks. The hair will also become healthier and softer. A person does not have the change the products that they use on their hair. The only thing that needs to be changed is how they use the conditioner and the shampoo. By reversing the order of use, modified results can occur.
Some people that have attempted reverse washing feel that a different amount of conditioner is left on the hair after shampooing it.
This makes all the difference in both the look and the feel of the hair. Shampoo does something that leaves the hair looking great when it is used during the final step of the cleaning process. Even a person that does not use heat or products on the hair will see an improvement. This step has left the hair looking bouncy, healthy, and can even reduce frizz.
Even people with hard to manage curly hair can benefit from this reverse washing process.
For many curls are hard to manage. The process of washing the hair backwards has left the curls in ringlets without the frizz. This is something that is usually hard to do even with styling products that are designed for curly hair. This is an added benefit for those with this hair type.
This is something each person will have to answer for themselves. Some people prefer tradition and like the way that their hair looks when washed the classic way.
If a person wants to give the reverse hair washing technique a chance, they are not going to do any harm in trying.
In fact, like many who have tried it, they may be pleased with the results. While it goes against normal washing it is not going to cause damage or negative side effects.
Generally speaking, people that have reverse washed their hair have been happy with the results. In order to have the hair looks its best it is going to take some experimenting to find out which techniques and products are going to work the best for you, personally.
There is no true answer for this question. Many people that prefer reverse washing their hair still go back to the traditional method from time to time.
Since a person has grown up washing their hair with shampoo and then conditioner it is a hard habit to break. That's not a problem, just an observation to take note of.
Reverse washing can simply be a new technique that is added as part of a beauty routine.
This can be done several times a week. If a person usually does not shampoo their hair everyday they do not have to start now. On the days when they do shampoo, this technique can be used with the greatest of ease, to test out the most effective results on hair.
When a person wants to wash their hair everyday reverse washing does work well.
This method will help keep the hair from drying out. When a person wants to make sure their hair is looking extra manageable, reverse washing it the key.
Now people that have used heat can allow their hair to air dry after reverse washing. They will know that their hair will be looking good and it will be free from frizz.
For all of these reasons, the technique is certainly worth a try, to see if it will work for you.
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