Smooth hair tips for avoiding frizz

Got a case of the frizzies? Well, put that hat away because there are better ways to tame that frizz, and we’re going to share them with you right here.
The first step toward taming your hair is understanding what caused it to go wild in the first place. There are many things that can lead to frizzy hair and you could be suffering from more than one. So, let’s see what the culprit—or culprits—might be.
Lack of moisture. When your hair is dry or damaged it tends to frizz, but why you’re lacking moisture in the first place is the real mystery that needs to be solved. Is it your haircare regimen? The changing seasons? Too much styling? Your hair type? Any of these could be zapping your hair of necessary moisture.
Humidity. Believe it or not—the dryer your hair is, the more it will “react” to a humid environment. It’s essentially trying to grab all the moisture from the air that it can.
Nutritional deficit. If you aren’t getting enough nutrients or not feeding your hair properly, it can dry out and act unruly.
Damaged cuticles. Harsh chemicals and over-styling damages your cuticles which then causes moisture to escape and gives your hair a dry, frizzy appearance.
If you know what is causing your frizzy hair then you can go right to the source and really fight back. But if you’re still not sure, that’s okay. We put together a few easy steps that everyone can take to get smoother, sleeker and silkier looking hair.
Boar bristle brush. You want to brush your hair regularly, but many hair brushes can actually strip your hair of its natural oils. That’s why we recommend using a natural, boar bristle brush instead. It helps disperse your hair’s sebum to keep your hair healthy from root to tip.
Condition. Every time you wash your hair you should be conditioning, but if you’re not washing every day then you might need to incorporate a little extra conditioner outside of the shower. A light leave-in conditioner can give you the glass-like shine you want without weighing your hair down.
Boost your nutrients. A great way to make sure you’re getting all the hair nutrients you need is by taking a supplement created specifically for hair health. This way you’re sure to never miss out on all of the vitamins that make your hair happy.
Change your diet. You can also add moisture to your hair by including more hair-healthy snacks into your diet. Two foods that are fantastic for your hair are beans and pumpkin. That’s why we recommend trying this Pumpkin & Parsnip Cassoulet Recipe.
Use a hair mask. Another way to get intense moisture is by using an all-natural hair mask. I Moisturize, Strengthen & Revive can help breathe life back into dry, frizzy locks.
Argan oil. First, ditch any hair products you use that have alcohol in them. These can cause some serious drying damage. Instead, look for products that feature argan oil, like HLV Serum. This ancient oil fights frizz and repairs damage, leaving you with longer, stronger hair.
Change your style. The more you can back away from the blow dryer and hot iron, the more your hair will thank you. Instead, let your hair air dry most of the way and then when you do reach for the blow dryer, protect your hair first with a diffuser, then put it on a lower heat setting and hold it several inches from your head.
Get regular trims. Just a little trim can help you get rid of split ends before they get out of control. You don’t want to cut so much that you defeat your hair goals, but if you live in an area that’s heading for a dry season, a trim could really help you hold in that moisture.
There are many ways to fight the frizzies, but the thing to keep in mind is that you want to avoid overexposing your hair to the things that will suck it dry and also be thoughtful with how you go about replenishing that moisture.
That’s why we recommend a multi-pronged approach. Start from the inside by fueling your body with the food and supplements that support hair health and then address your hair directly by applying products designed to specifically restore moisture.
Finally, be kind to your hair. Brush it frequently, get trims regularly and stay away from hot styling products as much as possible.
At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.
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At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.
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