Stress Motive Behind Your Drastic Haircut

Coco Chanel once said, "a woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life." This could be taken to mean that a woman who plans on cutting her hair, is planning on taking control of a certain situation. She is gaining power for situations where she has felt powerless.
In most public cases, we have seen the dramatic effect a haircut has had on celebrities like Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, Rihanna and many more. Chopping off all their hair almost looks like a call for help for a sign of rebelling against society. There are many movie and television shows that show this transformation in action as well.
The woman cuts her hair and goes from the "girl-next-door to a bad gal" who's ready to take on the world. It is stimulating to watch this sense of empowerment that rise within these women just through a hair cut but in the same notion can be a little unrealistic.
It's no secret that short hair can add a bit of edge and individuality to your style. It truly takes a confident women to cut the hair she is so used to and start new. Cutting your hair is a physical and emotional example of change. Yet, for some, cutting their hair besides the reasoning of making a fashion statement, it can be quite depressing.
Pertaining back to the topic of hair and power, the big change you make in your life should not limit down to a big chop. Although, it is a nice stepping stone to building character and courage, it will not be able to feel missing voids or release uneasy emotions. When the hair is gone your problems won't just up disappear along with them. Most of those insecurities and/or unresolved issues will still be right there with you when you step off the salon chair.
So before you rely on a pair of scissors to determine the "big change" you need or if you have already let go of the long locks and feel unsatisfied you should try some of these methods below to help take control over life.
1. List Priorities
List all the things that matter in your life, big and small. After you make a list, prioritize what matters the most. This is so you won't spend time stressing over things that are not relevant to your needs. It will help you to not stress about little problems. It will also show you what you need to pay more attention to and what you need to let go of.
P.S. Remember it is okay to say "no."
2. Organize
We tend to get overwhelmed and stressed when things are out of order. Sometimes it feels like there are not enough hours in a day to complete any tasks and everything is just piling up. Try taking a weekend off to schedule everything in your life. Schedule work deadlines, eating times, workouts, even free time. This gives you a chance to see what you can and cannot squeeze in. Combine this with your priority list and we guarantee you will see an increase in free time and the time you get to do what you enjoy in life.
3. Clean
May sound a little funny at first but honestly having a clean house and workplace will decrease stress. You are not worried about finding things because you know exactly where they are when you need them.
4. Keep Up With Appearance
Yes, a hair cut could be included in this category but what's a cute haircut to a dirty outfit? Have fun, experimenting with different looks and express yourself. If you look lazy, most likely you are going to feel lazy. There is nothing wrong with putting on a cute outfit, going out and wanting some attention. A good compliment is worth a smile or two.
5. Be Healthy
Not only will you look good but you will physically feel good. Physical and emotional health go one in one. Studies show that working out and eating healthy increases one's mood substantially.
6. Talk To Someone
Sometimes when we are feeling down, we need some alone time but too much alone time can lead to depression. Surround yourself with positive thinking people who can take you away from uneasy thoughts. Two is always better than one so find someone or a group of people with go intentions to confide in.
If you are uncomfortable talking with friends/family than we recommend seeing a counselor. It feels good to spill those bottled up feelings, releasing that negative energy from your system. It can be beneficial talking to someone who not only listens and provides reliable advice but someone who is obligated to keep your discussions private judgement free.
7. Enjoy Your Time
Free time is a necessity. Go out and enjoy your days doing something you love. Life should not be about work, work, work, work with no play. Pick up a new hobby or go on a vacation. Live life to the fullest because you only get one!
At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.
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At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.
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