Cleaning house: The truth about “detoxifying” health products

Have you heard of the detox myth? It’s the idea that you can totally cleanse your body, any part of it, by flushing it of all impurities. It sounds so amazing, right? You can undo all the damage you’ve done if you just stick to a detox. But of course, that all fall into the too-good-to-be-true category.
So, what’s the truth about detoxes? Why do we suggest a hair detox if it’s a myth? Well, it’s not entirely a myth, of course, it’s just the level of expectation that has raised the idea of a cleanse to mythic proportions.
Let’s look at some modern ideas about detoxifying health products, then discover what’s true and what isn’t.
Toxins build up and you can’t remove them without intervention. The truth is your body is amazing. It is designed to manage most of the toxic substances you encounter on a daily basis and either protect you from them in the first place or process them and excrete them safely. Your skin, kidneys, liver, and lungs deserve a little thanks for all the work they do.
You can undo the damage. If you’ve treated your body poorly and caused damage, there isn’t any detox that can help. Your body will do it’s best to get back into shape after you stop doing the damaging activity, but even then, it’s sometimes too late.
This is an oversimplification on our part and covers everything from detoxing from chemical dependency to fixing over-styled hair. But it’s true in all situations.
“Detox” on a label means something. It doesn’t. It’s just a marketing ploy. The term is not regulated and there are no FDA or other organization standards that a product has to go through to be called a detox.
It can’t hurt. Certain detoxes actually can be extremely dangerous and harmful.
For example, drinking large quantities of juice doesn’t give you the nutrients you need. Plus, it can exacerbate kidney problems, diabetics may have difficulties with the sugar even if it’s fresh-squeezed, and if the juice isn’t pasteurized it can cause serious illnesses.
The best thing to keep in mind when you hear about a detox that pushes one thing only for an extended time is the old adage about “everything in moderation.”
But you feel like you need a reset button and you really want a fresh start! We totally understand, and we do believe in a detox in a sense. Just let go of unrealistic expectations and try to think of a detox as a cleanse, not a way to undo damage or reverse time.
The following tips and truths will help you create your own plan of detox. Remember that the best way to feel better and renew the health of your body is to make smart choices.
Be realistic. Yes, we all want to be more fit and have fabulous hair—tomorrow. But of course, no matter how much we want that, it’s just not going to happen. Set realistic goals you can achieve, then learn to be happy with the little steps along the way.
Be natural. Whether it’s your diet or choosing all-natural haircare products, selecting natural products devoid of chemical additives is healthier in most situations. Try to be more thoughtful in your decisions, and you might start to see results.
Inside is not the same as outside. We’re here to talk about hair, so let’s be clear. A great scalp detox really is designed to do a deep clean. This is the case with a lot of external skin and face scrubs too.
These products do basically give you a fresh start, as they’ve cleaned the surface, and in the pores a bit too. But don’t go thinking that they can create a new scalp, new hair or new skin.
Detox myths are, well, intoxicating. We want to believe they’re true, that we can do one thing for a short period of time and reverse all the damage we’ve done to ourselves.
Don’t fall for detox myths, they are not only misleading but can even be harmful and even fatal in the right circumstances.
When talking about beauty products, detox should be thought of as a deep clean. You’re not going to reverse the damage you’ve done, but you can clean your scalp, skin, and hair so they look vibrant and new again.
If you’re serious about wanting to detoxify your life, it takes time, dedication and willingness to weed out the harmful products in your life. But it’s possible and you can do it. Just stick with it, go slowly and focus on making good, healthy, natural choices.
If you want a jump start on those healthy choices, we absolutely love this Detox Rainbow Salad recipe because it’s everything we’ve talked about. It takes a variety of healthy ingredients and mixes them together to give you a delicious meal that validates your detox decision. And of course, it’s great for your hair!
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At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.
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