Hair-La-Scope: How's Your Hair?

Are you going to have a great hair day? Should you worry about damaged hair? Are you bored at work and looking for a fun way to blow five minutes? Learn what the cosmos hold for your hair below.
Watch midweek for someone to come to you with a need. This is an energy vampire. Don't let them do it! This week you're also probably wondering how to keep your hair healthy as the weather changes? The best way to repair damaged hair is through lots of hydration from natural oils and antioxidants like organic kelp or horsetail herb.
It's always hard coming back after a long weekend, but you're on a mission this week. You're unstoppable so don't let you-know-who bring you down. Are you having frizz trouble? Look at your shampoo for any harsh cleansers/buildup causers like SLS, Sodium Laurel Sulfate or cocamide DEA (known to cause cancer).
You're going to be very busy this week, but you know you've got this. Pace yourself and stop every once in awhile to take a moment for yourself. In this moment imagine yourself breathing in your positive thoughts and breath out any negativity creeping in. Also, are you looking for a new hairstyle? After all the season is about to change.
Save your energy this week. Keep your mind clear because mid-week the big idea you've been waiting for will appear. Trust it. Run with it. Is the heat weighing down your hair? Try switching your part up by making it deep on one side, fluff the hair. This will help add volume.
You made it through Labor Day weekend! Now it's all downhill to pumpkin spice lattes and Christmas cookies. Keep your positive energy this week by doing one selfless thing for another person. That good feeling will fuel you all week. While you're at it protect your hair from damage with these awesome protective style from Refinery29.
You're trying to figure out life AND how to repair damaged hair. Stress can cause harm to your entire body, especially damage to your hair. Nothing relieves stress like committing to a daily affirmation schedule. Try starting with, "I WILL make every room I enter today a better place." Repeat daily for a week.
You've been itchy to try something new, and maybe a little strange haven't you? You've always been adventurous, and this will be no different. Trust that idea. It could change your life. Now, let's change your hair. Have you tossed all those dangerous silicones and sulfates from your life? Our friend Brooke did and it changed her life. She shared her hair journey testimonial with us. It's crazy inspiring, hair-spiring if you will.
You've got this. You've also got some hair damage creeping in. Breakage? Thinning? Frizz? Split-ends? It's all the same. Stop that hair damage in its tracks with pure natural hydration from argan oil or coconut oil. Cut it with water and put in a spray bottle. Spritz daily. You'll thank me later.
This week you've got the positive vibes, confidence and great hair needed to do good in this world. Change one person's world by simply going out of your way to make them smile, and if it makes you feel good, do it again. The same goes for great natural hair care products. Try going natural with your hair products, and if it make feel good, do it again.
Take the refreshing energy of a new month to work on being in love with the person in the mirror who's been through so much but is still standing. Something big is coming your way. Are you ready? Is your hair ready? All the fun from summer can leave your hair damaged. Learning how to repair damaged hair starts with natural ingredients such as organic kelp and natural vitamins.
You've been working so hard that you deserve the gust of fresh cool air coming your way this week. Don't let the stress of life weigh down you or your hair. High-levels of stress have been proven to cause hair damage. This damage can lead to hair thinning, breakage, even balding. Take one minute a day to make a list of the top three things you're thankful for in this life. You're mind and hair will thank you later.
This week is your week! You are guaranteed to kill it this week when you're armed with positive affirmations like "I've got this" or "Today is MY day!" It sounds simple, but spend the week telling yourself this with each roadblock. You may also be experiencing some dryness in your hair from the late summer heat wave. You can avocado oil to repair damaged hair through hydration therapy.
At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.
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At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.
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