5 Tips for Supporting People Living With Breast Cancer

While the month of October does mean Halloween is coming, it also is the month for Breast Cancer Awareness. With one in eight women developing breast cancer in her lifetime, the need for awareness is more important than ever.
Awareness extends beyond women checking themselves regularly for signs of cancer. Everyone needs to understand the disease, the signs, and how to support those battling this all too common disease. That’s why Hair La Vie is donating a percentage of October profits to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
A diagnosis of breast cancer can be just as scary for loved ones as it is for the individual diagnosed. Watching your loved one struggle with breast cancer can cause you to feel worry, anger, sadness, and helpless all at the same time.
But, they will need you to get through this, as countless studies have shown that support systems have a huge positive impact on cancer recovery and survival.
The battle with cancer will often be daunting and draining by default, but the tips below can help you to make things easier for both your loved one and yourself. Here’s what you can do:
Your loved one’s behavior, mood, and outlook will change from day to day as they cope with the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. They will also have to deal with medications, hospital visits, and possible side effects that will impact their daily routine and mood.
The stress and discomfort of fighting cancer will make them tired, irritable, depressed, and angry, so you need to be prepared to handle the changes and support them at every turn.
Breast cancer affects the lives of more than just the patient, and you will likely have questions too. Write them down so you remember to ask the doctor, and, if your loved one is OK with it, go with them to appointments.
The more information you both have, the easier it will be to get through the cancer together. Plus, since your loved one is under considerable strain, having a friendly party around to do some of the critical thinking can be infinitely beneficial.
The treatments and fatigue associated with cancer make a person want to stay in bed all day. While rest is a necessary component of recovery, you want to encourage your loved one to be active and to do as much for themselves as they can.
Cancer likes to strip people of their independence, but by staying active, they stay positive and in control.
Sometimes it really does take a village, and it is acceptable to ask for help. There is only so much one person can do, so ask friends and family to help with cooking meals, daily chores, errands, and rides to doctor appointments. In most cases, people will jump at the chance to help out.
In order to be the best support system for your loved one, you have to take care of yourself too. Make sure you get restful and regular sleep, eat a balanced diet, exercise, and make time for yourself.
If you are physically and mentally well, it will be easier for you to give your loved one the care and support they need to beat cancer.
When it comes to taking care of you, the key is to minimize stress. Fighting cancer is stressful for everyone involved, and your loved one will be stronger if you are strong.
To make sure that stress doesn’t beat you down, keep the following tips in mind to minimize worry and keep your health at optimal levels.
♦ Stay positive and optimistic. If this gets tough, remind yourself of the good things in your life and focus on what makes you smile.
♦ Accept that certain things in your life are out of your control
♦ Rest and sleep so your mind and body have time to recover.
♦ Avoid vices, such as alcohol and drugs, to reduce stress—these only hinder your health, which will not benefit anybody.
♦ Staying active is just as important for you as it is for your loved one. Exercise helps to combat stress and releases feel-good hormones, and you can exercise together to stay motivated.
♦ Join a support group. It is important to remember that you are not alone and getting support from others only allows you to better support your loved one.
Breast cancer is scary, but it can be beaten. Increased awareness is the key to detecting it early so as to increase chances of survival.
The month of October may symbolize Breast Cancer Awareness, but in reality, it is a yearlong campaign. Women and loved ones need to continue to share their stories of struggle and survival as well as coping and loss, because the only way to truly take cancer down is together.
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