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5 Ways to make your haircare & beauty routine eco-friendly

 5 Ways to make your haircare & beauty routine eco-friendly

Are you embracing eco in every way you can? If so, then YAY YOU! This is a big move, and it’s the responsible thing to do. That said, it’s not always easy and takes some effort. Taking that extra step to do what you can and keeping yourself well-informed deserve to be applauded and celebrated.

On World Environment Day this June 5th, we're all encouraged to honor the environment and take the necessary steps to protect it. Hair La Vie is helping you do more by sharing five new ways to update your hair and beauty routines to be even more eco-friendly.

5 Eco-friendly beauty tips

Get ready because these eco-friendly tips for your hair and beauty routine not only help the environment, they also promote revitalized skin and hair and can save you money in the long run. This is a win/win/win from beginning to end, and a perfect way to celebrate World Environment Day every day. 

Cut down

Less is more in so many ways when it comes to the environment and your appearance. Are you like most people; when you find a new product you love, you add it to your repertoire without getting rid of any of the old products? It’s okay, and it’s a common habit that’s worth breaking. 

Cutting down and refining your routines to include fewer products with fewer chemicals and less packaging is great for the environment and for the health of your skin and hair. Be willing to part with old products just like you do old trends.

The more natural, the better

Check out the ingredients list for all the products you use. This isn’t just great for your health and appearance, but it can be crucial to the environment. Products that have petroleum in their formulas or crude oil derivative-based ingredients are sometimes sourced using a high-carbon footprint. The end result also tends to end up in our waterways and can be potentially harmful to marine life.

Hair La Vie works hard to provide clean beauty solutions that are naturally sourced but also extremely effective in bringing you the results you want. Our team of pioneers in beauty, wellness, and technology works diligently to bring these products to life and to market.

Product packaging

The beauty industry is notoriously bad at creating efficient packaging. Their products are often designed for single-use, non-recyclable containers, or aerosol cans. Fortunately, some companies are working to be more eco-conscious so they use packaging that can easily be recycled, is bio-degradable, or refillable.

Warm, not hot

Washing your hair and showering in hot water can feel great, but it’s really bad for the environment. Develop some environmentally friendly shower habits, and you’ll not only minimize your environmental impact but also promote the health of your hair and skin.

A hot water shower strips the body of sebum, which is an all-important natural oil produced by your scalp and the rest of your skin to keep it hydrated. But it goes further than that. Dermatologists warn against hot showers because they can exacerbate skin conditions and harm healthy skin. 

When it comes to your hair, that loss of sebum doesn’t just dry out your hair, it can cause your scalp to be inflamed, and that can impede healthy hair growth.

If you want to go even further, try skipping showers. This obviously helps the environment by decreasing the amount of water you use, and it’s also better for your hair. Stretching the time between washes lets your hair achieve a healthy balance. One good way to do that is to use Hair La Vie’s Dry Shampoo, a naturally derived, vegan, and gluten-free way to combat greasy strands.

Go wooden

Plastic combs and brushes are usually made from single-use plastic. That’s not to say you’re only supposed to use them one time and when they wear out, break, etc. they cannot be recycled. A quality wood brush and comb can do wonders for your hair, and when you no longer can use them, they’re easily recycled. Just remember to store them in a place where they can thoroughly dry out.

Hair La Vie’s healthy approach

Hair La Vie is dedicated to helping you achieve transformative results through carefully sourced, naturally-derived ingredients. Our goal is to help you look and feel your very best and support you in living your best life. 

We’re also committed to helping people understand what goes on and into their bodies. Our products feature ingredients you can recognize from responsible sources, and they’re all scientifically studied. 

Our approach to making an impact in the environment is to help women create personal regimens that never contain harsh chemicals and focusing on promoting products and practices that are better for you and the environment.

Final thoughts

Being eco-responsible is an important step toward improving the planet and yourself. It takes effort and a lot of research, but in the long run, you’ll feel and look better, and the planet gets to reap the rewards.

Reducing your impact on the environment should never mean giving up your beauty goals. Hair La Vie supports your eco-efforts and your desire to look your best with products and tips that help you stick to your path of health, beauty, and wellness. 

Selecting products made of naturally-derived ingredients, without harmful chemicals, and with eco-friendly packaging policies is a big step in the right direction. Opting for fewer and cooler showers can also be a significant benefit for the environment and your hair and skin. Finally, one thing you can do today is switch to wooden brushes and combs.

At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.

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    At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.

    Join our private Facebook Community for a safe, human-moderated space to share your Hair Journey, discover new natural beauty, and take steps towards becoming “you” with the help of an understanding, supportive community.

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