A new year, a new journey, a fresh start

Time to make those New Year’s resolutions. And this year, you’re going to transform your hair into the hair of your dreams. It’s true, you really can do it in a year, and changing your bad hair habits isn’t as hard as it seems.
Follow these healthy hair tips to get hair that will dazzle by next New Year’s Eve.
The following advice will get you headed in the right direction. The dedication and follow-through are up to you. The good news is that you really can accomplish your hair goals if you stay focused. It’s not impossible, and you can do it!
Think really hard about your hair goals and be specific. “Great Hair” is not specific enough, if you want to grow longer hair, write down that you want your hair four inches longer next year or that you want to manage your frizz, or whatever your goal is.
Once you know what your specific and individual goals are, write them down. That’s right, go old-fashioned and use a pen and paper to write down what you hope to accomplish. Neuroscience has proven that writing down goals makes you more likely to achieve them.
Most scientists suggest that you do not announce your goals publicly. And they have a lot of great reasons why this is a bad idea and the data to support it.
Instead, create a goal board, and put it somewhere that you know you will see every day to remind you of your goals. A dynamic goal board that can change as you hit milestones is a great idea and will keep you on track.
On the other hand, we live in a social media world, and some of you will want to track your journey online. If this is you, you’ll need to be even more dedicated.
One of the big hurdles is making sure your plan is reasonable, to begin with. Don’t set yourself up for failure. Knowing your true self and embracing your natural hair will help you set goals you can achieve.
Of course, creating a plan isn’t going to get it done. You have to be dedicated to following your plan, too.
Lots and lots of photos will help you stay on track in the beginning and will boost your resolve when you’re frustrated.
Some days will be better than others, and you may have a stretch of good or bad days in a row. That’s okay, and while it can be frustrating, it’s no reason to quit. You got this!
Any goal worth achieving is one that puts smart and healthy choices at the forefront. The healthier you are, the happier you are and the more poised for success your mind and body are. It’s true, all-over health is the most important thing.
For your hair, nourishment and hydration are the keys to health. Begin by adding nutrients your hair craves. If you can’t get them through food alone, try adding Clinical Formula Hair Vitamins to your regimen.
Adding moisture is a little more complicated, and your hair’s needs will dictate your path. Just remember that adding moisture inside and out is the best way to hydrate. Start by drinking more water. Then adapt your moisture approach to how your hair responds to your hydration. Is conditioning every time you get your hair wet enough? Or do you need a weekly, deep-hydrating Hair La Vie Mask?
While you should look to others to find hairstyles and looks you love, you also need to realize that you have your hair and not theirs. Learn the characteristics of your hair and what brings about the best results.
This knowledge will not only help you pick an attainable goal, but it will help you customize your plan of attack.
Your hair goals are within reach, and dedication and focus will help you get there. By this time next year, you’re going to be so happy you started on this journey. If you’re doing it right, you’ll be proud of yourself every step of the way.
While sticking to good hair habits and keeping your eye on the long-term goal will help get you there, letting go of some bad habits will speed up the process. Remember, it’s not just the “right” things we do that help our hair, avoiding bad choices can play a significant role in your success.
One step at a time, with next year as the finish line, and you can have that great hair you’re craving!
At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.
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At Hair La Vie, we know that your hair is an integral part of how you present yourself to the world and shape your authentic style.
Join our private Facebook Community for a safe, human-moderated space to share your Hair Journey, discover new natural beauty, and take steps towards becoming “you” with the help of an understanding, supportive community.
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