The top 5 hair loss myths and misconceptions and what you can do

Everybody loses or sheds hair. You see it every day in the shower or when you brush your hair. Losing hair is a natural part of the hair growth cycle. But excessive hair loss and baldness could be the result of genetics, poor diet, or possibly medical conditions.
We all worry about losing hair because hair is such a defining part of our appearance. This worry is often unnecessary because the real reasons behind hair loss are often misunderstood and what we end up worrying about is just a myth.
When people want to know if baldness is genetic, they look to their maternal grandfather. If he was bald, then the worry sets in, but this worry is unnecessary.
The reason for this is that hair density is a polygenic trait, which means that the genes of several ancestors determine the outcome. You are better off looking at your parents and your siblings for signs of thinning and hair loss to get a more accurate picture.
Legend has it that bald men lose their hair as a result of too much testosterone. High testosterone levels are also thought to cause female hair loss.
Studies have shown that testosterone does influence hair growth, but high levels do not lead to hair loss.
Baldness is determined by your hair follicles’ sensitivity to the influences of the hormones in your body. This sensitivity is determined by genetics, so stop focusing on your hormones and look at the family tree if you want to know the future of your hair.
UV rays and tanning get a lot of bad press because of the risk of skin cancer. It is also thought that too much sun weakens follicle shafts, essentially baking your hair right off your head.
The sun does not prevent your hair from growing, but it can dry it out, which leads to more frequent breakage. You would be wise to wear a hat outdoors or spray on some extra conditioner for those long summer days.
Hats are thought to suffocate your hair, taking the life right out of it and causing it to fall off your head. Science says this is not true.
A hat that is too tight can cause hair thinning just as wearing a tight ponytail can because your hair gets pulled and frayed. As long as you are wearing a regular or loose-fitting hat, your hair will be just fine.
If it starts falling out, chances are the cause is genetic or an underlying medical condition, so no need to throw all your beloved hats away.
You may get so stressed that you pull some hair out, but it won’t fall out as the result of worrying. Certain traumatic events, like serious illness or injuries, can impact hair health and cause loss.
Excessive weight gain or loss as a result of stressful times can impact your diet, which will affect your hair too. For the most part, the effect of stress and worry on your hair is temporary.
Those looming project deadlines or your boss’s latest tirade may stress you out, but your hair will stay in place. Unless of course, you pull it out!
What you should look out for
Your hair can weaken and fall out as the result of environmental toxicity, drugs and medications, infections and disease, hormone imbalances, and nutritional deficiencies. These are the real reasons your hair falls out. If you're worried about maintaining a balanced diet, Hair La Vie's Clinical Formula Hair Vitamins can help to fill in the gaps.
With a proprietary blend of 20 natural and preservative-free immunity-boosting vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants, the Clinical Formula Hair Vitamins are designed to transform the health and appearance of your hair from the inside.
All the things you have been worried about were causing you more stress than you needed. Understanding the real reasons for hair loss gives you more power over controlling it.
Genetics is the biggest determining factor when it comes to the timing of hair loss, but you can also compound any problems with heat-styling and excessive chemical processing. You may do this to make your hair look good, but in the long run, you reinforce any genetic predisposition already in place.
It is important to take care of your hair in order to keep it strong and healthy. This is the best defense even against hereditary baldness and hair loss in general.
The common misconceptions about hair loss have had everyone doing all the wrong stuff and worrying about all the wrong things. This likely did more damage to your hair than necessary. Now you know the truth, so you can focus on taking care of your hair instead of needlessly worrying.
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